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Taurus Horoscope Prediction

  • Rua: India, Utter Pradesh , Noida, M-22 , Sector 66
  • Cidade: Noida
  • Estado: Amapá
  • País: Bolívia
  • CEP: 99
  • Últimos itens listados 15/06/2023 22:28
  • Expira em: 9456 Dias, 8 Horas


The Sun is in transit in Taurus. This is a time of great change and opportunity for Taurus natives. Dr. Bajrangi can help you to understand how Sun transit will affect your life and what you can do to make the most of it. Dr. Bajrangi is a highly skilled and experienced astrologer. He has a deep understanding of Vedic astrology and can provide you with accurate and insightful readings. He is also a compassionate and caring counselor who can help you to navigate the challenges of life.

129 total de visualizações,2 hoje


Listing ID: 687647325b93856a

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