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Parent Child Relationship

  • Rua: california
  • Cidade: Los Altos
  • Estado: Amapá
  • País: Brasil
  • CEP: 95746
  • Últimos itens listados 28/02/2024 8:33
  • Expira em: 9789 Dias, 8 Horas


The bond between a parent and child is a special one, filled with love, nurture, and growth. But have you ever wondered how child astrology plays a role in this relationship? As a parent, understanding your child’s astrological sign can provide valuable insights into their personality, strengths, and potential challenges. By learning about their astrological influences, you can further strengthen your connection and guide them towards their true path. Dr Vinay Bajrangi, a renowned astrologer, can help you delve deeper into the parent-child relationship through the lens of astrology.

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