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Planetary Transit Effects

  • Rua: M 22 Bajrangi Dham Sector 66 Noida
  • Cidade: Noida
  • Estado: Amapá
  • País: Bolívia
  • CEP: 201301
  • Últimos itens listados 09/05/2023 8:10
  • Expira em: 9503 Dias, 10 Horas


Astrologer Dr Vinay Bajrangi is a renowned name in the field of astrology. With his vast knowledge and expertise in Vedic astrology, he can provide accurate predictions and guidance to his clients. Dr Bajrangi specializes in analyzing the effects of planetary transits and their impact on individuals’ lives. He has recently launched an astrology events mobile app that allows users to stay updated on upcoming planetary transits and astrological events. The app also provides personalized horoscopes and daily astrology predictions based on the user’s birth chart.​​WKUgwO_vOIk

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